Features - EEiL Biller:
The set of features from the present version's snapshot.
- Centralized system operating procedure (SOP) across all the branches.
- Save time with every invoice creation.
- Minimize errors while creating invoices.
- Accurate reporting over production.
- Receive reports regularly in CSV format (Excel compatible).
- With CSV reports, data can be copied out for further accounting systems with less effort.
- With Customized reports, data can export directly to any further systems without modification.
- Stay updated about production regularly via SMS production summary alerts.
- Help you maintaining common reporting format irrespective of the Batching software type.
- Audit Logs keeps you updated all the time on happenings.
- Maintaining records are much easier.
- Save cost over stationeries with multiple printer type choices.
- Choices in database between MSAccess / MS SQL database. Can cut cost with any existing database.
- Multiple data backup options assure data reliability.
- Localization of Tax possible for any web submission forms like e-Sugam and eWayBill (Add-on).
- Batch wise delivery confirmation can be accommodate to verify the delivery status.
- Reduce training cost with, Support materials via online forum for all users.
- Easy Deployment - 24hours from the purchase order date.
- Very less system resource usage using distributed software architecture.
- Best-in class remote support assures the maximum uptime.
- Multiple price entry can be defined for any customer for different site & recipe.
- Duplication is avoided in all stages and records.
- Definable VAT, Excise, ED-CESS, H.ED.CESS / Tax Exemption Entries for any Special Economic Zone (SEZ) customers.
- Reverse calculation from the customer Price using factor is possible in addition to forward calculations.
- Able to add Rate expiry dates if there any pre-announced change.
- Diversion of the product can be accounted easily.
- Multiple free materials entry can define for any order.
- Can define Pump / Labor Charges / any other changes for any order, the same will included in the first Invoice.
- Multiple numbers of copies, For Customer / Office / Accounts & Proof.
- Functionality of Biller can be extended greatly with Credit Control & Scheduling Module.
- Scheduled emailing of multiple reports is possible with SMTP configuration.
- Configurable Recipient List for email reports to various Departments (Sales/R.G.23/Consumption /Custom ERP Reports etc.)
- User Authentication for defining product rate, Avoiding Error in rate entry.
- Invoice Number is irrelevant to Auto / Manual Batching. It is Auto Incremental.
- Admin can change the Sequence of Invoice Number, Still cannot duplicate.
- Batch & Invoice Numbers could not be altered at any case while editing / diverting.
- Can be use as Excise Invoice cum Deliver Chelan with all technical details.
- Alerts can configure via E-Mail / SMS using responsible gateways.
- Mechanism to verify database authenticity along with error recovery, data & database can't be manipulated.
- Automatic printing of tax invoice immediate after completion of batch.
- Able to generate month-wise RG.23 / Day-wise Sales / Day-wise cumulative production reports.
- Can generate consolidate invoice for any customer order-wise.
- No data entry work for the operator, import directly from/to EEiL Biller.
- Keep record of each Printed Invoice, for future reference.
- Can able to edit / divert the invoices, with Original Invoice record protected in a separate archived vault.
- Compatible for WinCC / CommandAlkon / IDS Batching softwares.
- With LaserJet, complete bill printing is possible in a blank sheet (or) Customizable for preprint stationary with dot matrix printer.
- Can install in any computer in a network with access to batching system.
- Can use Local / Network printer.
- Designed to work with Old Computers supplied with the Batching plants. (Windows XP Compatible)
- Data can be backed up automatically using backup scheduler.
- Flexible Navigation and easy search functions, while searching old records.
- Data backup can be configuring for any remote server via SMTP, Preventing data loss.
- Consumption report will give resource usage of all Invoiced Batches.
- Able to alert user about various daily statistics like production / consumption etc..
- Alerts can be triggered if any job not has Rate entry.
- Using SMS alerts, keep inform the customers thus reduces resource locking period.
There are lot more features that we haven't discussed here. Call for a trial to explore it.
Call today and get - Free 15 days fully functional no obligation trial.